Labour and employment legislation is a highly relevant topic for anybody who owns or runs a company. Labour law issues are often complicated, and it is extremely important to deal with them correctly because of the strict compensation rules that apply to employers.
Regardless of the issue at hand, we’re here for you as your strategic resource in the field of labour law. We advise on, for example, issues relating to the purchase or sale of companies, restructuring of operations and activity reductions, issues relating to employees who have started competing activities, how to draw up employment contracts, issues relating to pension and incentive schemes, occupational health and safety matters, discrimination and dismissal issues, negotiations with trade unions, agreement interpretation and disputes.
Over the years, Glimstedt has successfully assisted clients in a variety of labour and employment law disputes. Many of our lawyers have solid experience in this area. This includes extensive experience of cases brought before, for example, the Employment Tribunal as well as of arbitration proceedings and appointments as arbitrators.
With long-standing experience working as lawyers in various labour and employment market organisations, several of our highly competent practitioners are uniquely placed to provide legal assistance in this field.